
Matthias wins Circle Cow


Matthias wins Circle Cow

Matthias won the Circle Cow in Servon last weekend. He had quite a good run in the final with only one touch. Congratulations! Sam really deserved the second place, he had a few problems in the beginning of his run but pulled a very long combo in the end.

1st Matthias Dandois
2nd Sam Foakes
3rd Sebastian Pospischil
4th Raphael Chiquet
5th James White
6th Alex Jumelin
7th Hidekazu Kuga
8th Chris Böhm
9th Katernellis Glannis
10th Sytse Winkel

Alejandro Alexandridis from Greece won the Master class and Nao Yoshido from Japan (correct me if I´m wrong) won Expert. As you can see not only the pro class had international riders.

A couple of photos are already online: Circle Cow 2008 Gallery and a video is going to follow later this week.

Posted: 55 years ago

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