
Become Rider of the Month November


Become Rider of the Month November

This month we started our new series called Rider of the Month. Now we are looking for next rider. David Lundquist got a sponsor through his interview and video:

"Rider of the month is a great way to reach out to people. Its an opertunity to show your riding and a little bit of who you are. To me it turned out really well and I ended up being sponsored by St Martin which I am super stooked to be. I never thought anything like that would happen, I just thought it would be cool to be interviewed and able to put my video up on a big site. Even if you don't get sponsored or anything like that its a great way to give something back to the community you and I feed of every day. So make sure you contact Global-Flat for the next rider of the month! Many thanks to St Martin, global-flat and my friends for makeing this happen."

So use your chance and drop us an e-mail including at least your name, age, years of riding and location:  

Posted: 55 years ago

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