
History Lesson: King of Flatland 1988 by Kieran Chapman


History Lesson: King of Flatland 1988 by Kieran Chapman

Kieran Chapman posted many runs from a King of Flatland contest in 1988 on Vimeo. We googled a bit and came across Kieran's website where he writes about the series:

"These contests, organized by the Cote family, were held at New Hampshire College in Manchester, NH. They were held several times over the course of the year — almost every month at the peak — and the indoor gym had the best floor for riding: it was made of rubberized-like compound that didn't slip. It was completely flat and dust-free..."

Check out his website for a history lesson. It's a good read! To the left you can actually watch Kieran's run and just go to his vimeo page for all the other runs.

Posted: 55 years ago

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