
Flat Friday #33 by Effraim


Flat Friday #33 by Effraim

Plenty of awesome videos again this week, almost spoilt for choice!! Dip into these, get motivated! Go ride!

The "out game" (Matthias Dandois and Adam Kun)- - free download

Dominik Nekolny’s Xft juggler xft steam kickflip to crackpacker is the banger of the week!  Plus Level 4 - busy week for Dominik.

Mingle promo just missed FF’s deadline last week so here it is if you missed it!

Pre bikeflip jam, check the first opening clips, banging!!

Pralex Web Video 2, Cory Fester headlines, good job from all the crew, feeling the progression from these guys!!

Enjoy the trick flatland jam from Portland Oregon, USA. + take a look at their website promoting the scene -

flatmattersonline - Ahead of the time: Edgar Placencia, Robert Voller’s photography site promo, New Ticos jam edit, Paseo Cup results, Shane badman and Chris Hall in town, Experimental camerawork edit:James Smith.

That’s it for this week, im off to Germany for the Red Bull flow combo contest. Until next Friday!

Posted: 55 years ago

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