
Adrenalin Games, Flatland Fanatics and Dave Vanderspek


Adrenalin Games, Flatland Fanatics and Dave Vanderspek

The date of russian Adrenalin Games just found itīs way into our inbox. Itīs the September 19th/20th - so unfortunatelly the same weekend as the Fieldcontrol contest in Portugal. Itīs up to you!

The Dave Vanderspek Memorial Ride will take place on October 18th in San Francisco to honor the memory of Dave Vanderspek. "As you probably know he was a huge influence and one of the big innovators of BMX and Flatland.  We hope to get as many riders out that day and we are trying to get the word out." - Pete Brandt

The poster of the Flatland Fanatics Contest in Minden, Germany arrived featuring Dominik Nekolny. Check it out!

Posted: 55 years ago

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