
Alex Jumelin Birthday Jam


Alex Jumelin Birthday Jam

Country: United States
Location: Austin, TX
Date: Saturday 24th November 2012


Alex about the jam: 

"Here is the flyer for the new week end jam . As you maybe know i´m turning 35 next week end ( i know , i´m old hahaha ) I´m gonna go to AUSTIN which is for me one of the most stylish city in the usa ; austin is also a place where you can find one of the biggest flatland and street scene in the usa . The concept of the event is pretty easy , let´s share a good time on a saturday afternoon . I´m gonna have a few prices to give away from some of my sponsor ; some calendar offers by ST MARTIN , SPMK tee shirt and of course some FREEGUN UNDERWEAR ; To win this prices riders would have to participate at a few contest like : the longest hang five the longest nose manual the funky chicken fight ........... and many more . Yes for my birthday i would like to make present to rider :) So of course it is open to everyone and it is free , please if you ride bmx and you are in the usa or even somewhere else in the world , please come to my birthday . see you all next week end . thanks to matthias for the flyer . thanks to OG crew. BIG THANKS TO MY SPONSORS ."

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